Here’s my controversial take, women are not meant to be “hormonal.” If you’ve ever heard that phrase tossed around don’t let it get you down. The fact of the matter is being hormonal is not something women need to put up with. If you refer to yourself as “hormonal” there are probably signs of hormone imbalance that you’re ignoring.
Yes, women experience more hormone changes than men through puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. But, painful periods, mood swings, and anxiety are not normal parts of womanhood.
It’s like this, your body sends you clear signals when something is wrong. If you have itchy, watery eyes and are sneezing you have allergies. If you have a cough and fever you’ve got a cold. It’s the same situation with a hormone imbalance. The difference is that most women have been conditioned to ignore the signs of hormone imbalance and think they are normal. They’re not normal, girlfriend.
Hormones are the chemicals produced by glands in the endocrine system which are then released into the bloodstream. They help regulate everything from metabolism to sex drive with sleep, appetite, mood, temperature, and reproductive cycles in between. Even the smallest imbalance will have a big impact on your overall well-being.
Hormone imbalance occurs when there is too little or too much of a specific hormone. Often times lifestyle or a certain medical condition causes a hormone imbalance. Unfortunately, imbalances can damage your body permanently if not addressed.
The good news is that most hormone imbalances can be fixed with a few lifestyle changes. That’s why I’m sharing 10 signs of hormone imbalance that most women ignore so you can identify the problem and get the help you need.
Digestive Problems
Digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome could be one way your body is signaling a hormone imbalance. Cramps, bloating, diarrhea, gas, and constipation are some of the symptoms you may experience. How is this possible? Deep in the cell linings of the gastrointestinal tract are hormone receptors. Also, when serotonin levels are low you are more prone to IBS. When your hormone levels change so do your digestive patterns.
Appetite Changes
Another issue that is related to your digestion deals with appetite changes. When you have a hormone imbalance you may have an insatiable appetite. This is caused by the hormone ghrelin which normally stimulates your appetite and drives you to consume food. If your body is producing too much ghrelin you will experience appetite changes.
On the other hand, an increase in the hormone leptin could cause you to have a decrease in food cravings. Leptin is known as the satiety hormone and too much of it means you won’t want to eat.
Weight Gain
This may be one of the most frustrating symptoms of a hormone imbalance. If you’ve been dieting and exercising but the numbers on the scale refuse to go down (and may even go up), you probably have a hormone imbalance. The most likely culprit is insulin resistance. However, there are several medical conditions that are tied to your hormones that can also cause weight gain:
- Diabetes
- Thyroid disorder
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Lifestyle factors such as getting plenty of sleep, staying hydrated, eating a nutrient-dense diet, exercising, and managing your stress levels can support overall hormone health.
Brain Fog
Brain fog is the term used to describe forgetfulness or memory lapse. Most women write this off as a symptom of aging but it’s actually tied to a hormone imbalance. Women about to go through menopause or who are in menopause often experience brain fog due to declining levels of estrogen.
Brain fog due to hormonal imbalance may also be caused by stress. When you are under stress the hormone cortisol increases. This can disrupt your brain function. Your body needs cortisol for many activities, but too much can cause a lot of damage.
Headaches are a symptom of several different health conditions. They are also symptoms women experience during changes in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. The reason for this is a drop in estrogen. Eating the right types of foods, exercising, and staying hydrated are all ways to help ease your headaches.
Mood Swings
Unusual mood or behavior is another sign of hormone imbalance that most women assume is normal. It is not normal. If you feel irritable or more triggered to be angry or cry you probably have an excess of estrogen and lack of progesterone. Or, if you feel depressed and anxious you may have too much progesterone and a lack of estrogen.
Estrogen and progesterone affect neurotransmitters in the brain and the hormones serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These all impact your mood.
Here are a few tips to help manage your mood swings:
- Practice relaxation techniques so you can better manage your stress levels.
- Get enough sleep and make sure to follow a regular sleep schedule.
- Drop the coffee drinking when it’s late in the afternoon.
- Get regular exercise but not when it’s almost your bedtime.
- Limit your intake of sweets and carbonated drinks.
Low Libido
A lack of desire for intimacy is another warning sign of hormone imbalance. It can be uncomfortable for some women to discuss their libido but it shouldn’t be ignored! Vaginal dryness, night sweats, fatigue, and anxiety are all factors that also play into low libido. And guess what, they all also have a hormone connection. Falling estrogen and testosterone levels are generally the culprits.
Everyone gets acne once in a while but chronic acne breakouts may be a sign of hormone imbalance. An increase in testosterone levels can cause excessive acne breakouts. This hormone may stimulate excess oil production that can cause dead skin cells to clog your pores. Cystic acne hurts and can be emotionally painful if you’re a woman in her 40s or 50s still getting acne.
Sleep Issues
If sleeping feels like a chore then something is wrong. Tossing and turning all night is a sign that something is off in your body. Progesterone is one hormone that helps to regulate your sleep. Melatonin is another sleep hormone. Sleep problems can cause hormone imbalances and vice versa in a vicious cycle.
Not to mention, if you have adrenal fatigue you will also likely have sleep problems. Another hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue results when your adrenal glands’ normal production of cortisol becomes disrupted.
For example, if your food and lifestyle habits throw off your adrenals’ normal production of cortisol, you might start feeling the opposite of how you should. Instead of feeling a natural jolt of energy in the morning from your body’s surge of cortisol, you’ll feel sleepy and lethargic, and instead of feeling calm and relaxed at bedtime, you’ll feel wired.
Period Problems
An irregular period is one final warning sign of a hormone imbalance. While it is not dangerous, it will cause other health complications down the road. For example, if you are trying to get pregnant or prevent pregnancy an irregular period makes it more difficult. Ladies, your reproductive health is paramount to your overall health and wellness.
Work with a Holistic Health Coach
Dear friends, I know as women we often ignore our symptoms and push through hard times in the hope that it will “work itself out.” Unfortunately, with our hormones, it often takes diet and lifestyle changes, and sometimes medicine, to find balance.
In my practice, I use a comprehensive hormone test called the DUTCH test and salivary hormone testing to pinpoint hormone and detoxification imbalances. I use this data to create a customized wellness plan with my clients. In the meantime, lifestyle factors such as getting plenty of sleep, staying hydrated, eating a nutrient-dense diet, exercising, and managing your stress levels can support overall hormone health.
If you’re ready to take back your health, reach out to me.
Mandy Patterson