Algae Superfoods and the Many Health Benefits

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Dr. Mandy Patterson

You may see it as an ingredient in the green smoothie or juice you order from your favorite juice bar down the street. Or you may add it to your own homemade morning smoothie to give it a beautiful emerald green color and boost of nutrients. Whatever the application, there’s no denying the many health benefits of algae superfoods: spirulina and chlorella. If you’re not using this magical green dust already I’m about to tell you why you should start including it in your daily routine. 

What Are Algae Superfoods?

Spirulina and chlorella have many health benefits

Spirulina and chlorella both pack a nutritional punch with many benefits. Chlorella is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, riboflavin, iron, and zinc. On the other hand, spirulina contains more thiamine, copper, and possibly more protein depending on the source.

When we think of superfoods we most often visualize green leafy vegetables, blueberries, and sometimes even salmon makes the list. The term superfood simply refers to a food that is considered extremely nutrient dense. When talking about foods that are nutrient dense, the algae spirulina and chlorella should be at the top of the list.  These guys are serious Superfood Heros.


So, what exactly are these algae superfoods besides green blobs floating on top of water? 


Chlorella: this is a single-celled microorganism with a nucleus found in fresh or saltwater and is solid green. It contains a high concentration of the pigment chlorophyll as well as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and phosphorus. Chlorella has to be processed to break its cellular walls in order to enable the absorption of its nutrients by the human body. 


Spirulina: a cousin to chlorella, this microalgae is grown in fresh and saltwater. It’s a spiral-shaped, multi-celled plant with no true nucleus. Spirulina is blue-green in hue and can grow up to 100 times the size of chlorella. It is just as nutrient dense as Chlorella but contains more protein and vitamin B1 than its cousin algae. 

The Health Benefits of Spirulina, Algae Superfood #1

There are countless reviews online that talk about the healing benefits of spirulina. If you don’t believe the anecdotal evidence, there are also over 2,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the health benefits of this tiny algae. Spirulina can do everything from detoxing your body to boosting energy, enhancing brain function, and even preventing cancer. 

  • Detox Heavy Metals 

According to research, arsenic toxicity is a huge problem for people living in the Far East. Bangladeshi researchers evaluated alternatives for healing arsenic poisoning, and they discovered a blue-green algae called spirulina. Patients with arsenic poisoning were given a combination of spirulina and zinc. They discovered a 47% decrease of arsenic in the patient’s body after consuming spirulina! Consider making spirulina a part of your heavy metal detox! 

  • Eliminates Candida 

Candida overgrowth is a sure sign of autoimmune disease. It’s also connected to a gut microflora imbalance which is notorious for causing leaky gut syndrome and improper digestion. Diets rich in sugar and unnatural ingredients can cause a significant rise in yeast infections. Spirulina has been shown to promote the growth of healthy bacterial flora and strengthen the immune system to help the body fight off candida in the first place. 

  • Helps Prevent Cancer 

When tested on human pancreatic cancer cells researchers found that the addition of spirulina to the cells in-vitro substantially decreased the proliferation of the cancer cells. Researchers pointed out that spirulina contains a compound that is a potent antioxidant and anti-proliferation agent. More research is needed but spirulina could prove to be a natural cancer treatment option. 

The Health Benefits of Chlorella, Algae Superfood #2 

Chlorella has very similar health benefits as Spirulina. Studies show that consuming Chlorella regularly can help support the entire body. In fact, adding Chlorella to your diet can not only improve your overall health, but also give your immune system a boost. 

  • Detox Heavy Metals 

Due to the environment of our world today you most likely have heavy metals lingering around in your body. Just like its cousin, Chlorella is a master at detoxing your body of heavy metals. It wraps itself around toxins in our bodies like mercury, lead, cadmium, and uranium, and keeps them from being reabsorbed. Regular consumption of Chlorella can even keep heavy metals from accumulating in the body in the first place

  • Detoxifies Radiation and Chemotherapy 

Radiation and chemotherapy are the most common cancer treatments, even though that often takes a huge toll on the body. Chlorella’s high levels of chlorophyll have been shown to protect the body against ultraviolet radiation treatments while removing radioactive particles from the body. Based on one study, researchers found that glioma positive patients suffered from less respiratory infections and flu-like illnesses when taking chlorella. 

  • Supports Cell Health 

Chlorella helps support cell health by reducing oxidative stress that is often caused by poor diet, stress, and environmental pollution. The little green algae also naturally increases your body’s levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, and glutathione. These all help eliminate free radicals and protect your cells. 

  • Lowers Blood Sugar and Cholesterol 

Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol are some of the most serious chronic illnesses that Americans suffer from. Poor eating habits and stress are the leading causes of these conditions. However, Chlorella has been found to help lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Researchers believe that chlorella activates a number of genes at the cellular level that improve insulin sensitivity. 

The Differences Between Spirulina and Chlorella 

The two algae superfoods are very similar, however there are a few key differences. Many people ask which is better for you, chlorella or spirulina? Let’s look at the facts and compare the two algaes. 


The first difference in these algae superfoods is how it’s grown. Spirulina grows best in freshwater lakes, rivers and ponds. Meanwhile, Chlorella grows best in freshwater that is also occupied by other organisms. Chlorella also needs more mechanical processing for it to be consumed by humans while spirulina does not. This often makes Chlorella the more expensive of the two options. 


Now, let’s look at the nutrition differences. Chlorella is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, riboflavin, iron, and zinc. On the other hand, spirulina contains more thiamine, copper, and possibly more protein. They are both considered superfoods and have similar health benefits. Ultimately, the jury is still out on which is “better” for you and it really comes down to personal preference. 

How to Consume Spirulina and Chlorella? 

Spirulina smoothie bowl

Spirulina and chlorella are powerful superfoods that can easily be added to your diet through smoothies, chia puddings, ice creams, and granola bars or bites.

A common question you may have is how much of either spirulina or chlorella should you take? The best protocol is to start small and work your way up. Additionally, they both have a strong taste so you won’t want to over do it. 


The two options you have for consumption are tablet or powder form, and be sure to look for the organically grown varieties. While the tablets are easy to take, if you want to have some fun with it I would suggest you opt for the powder option. Here are a few fun ways to incorporate these algae superfoods into your diet: 


  • Chlorella lemonade – add a dash of chlorella powder to your favorite lemonade for an energising summer refresher! 


  • Chlorella vanilla porridge – your immune system could use an extra boost mid-winter so consider adding chlorella to your favorite porridge recipe for extra nourishment and nutrients. 


  • Spirulina green smoothie – the most common way to consume spirulina is via smoothie. Add fresh berries, banana, and even pineapple to balance the green ingredients. 


  • Chlorella pistachio or mint ice cream – Give yourself a treat with homemade ice cream and make it healthy by adding a dash of chlorella. You won’t even know it’s there!  


  • Spirulina coconut bites – add detoxifying spirulina to your healthy coconut bites. You get the benefits of healthy fats and nutrients that won’t spike your blood sugar levels.  


  • Spirulina protein granola bars – protein bars are great for before and after a workout, add spirulina for an extra energy boost! 

Work With a Holistic Health Coach

Are you considering adding herbal supplements or other superfoods to your diet but you don’t know where to start? Creating nutritious and healthy recipes is part of my passion as a holistic health coach. I love to help my patients find new ways to incorporate healthy food into their lifestyle. If that sounds like something you’re interested in fill out the information on my contact page and let’s get started! 

Mandy Patterson

Dr. Mandy


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