Ten Holistic Health Tips To Manage Holiday Stress

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Dr. Mandy Patterson

The most wonderful time of the year is here! I’m sure we all remember the excitement of waking up on Christmas morning as a child, the smell of evergreen, and presents under the tree. As adults, it’s easy to forget the reason for the season and instead get caught up in making it picture-perfect, no matter how crazy it looks in real life. In your quest for the perfect Christmas, you fall prey to holiday stress. 

Managing holiday stress and anxiety is so critical, yet so difficult. The expectations placed on yourself are often self-inflicted. Trust me, I get it. You have to cook meals, shop, manage finances, host parties, clean and more! 

But to be fully present and stay grounded it’s important to manage holiday stress. That’s why I’m sharing my ten holistic health tips to manage holiday stress this year! 


The Holiday Stress Epidemic 

First, let’s talk about the dangers of stress. I like to call it the holiday stress epidemic because so many of us manage stress well throughout the year, but come Christmas and it’s like we turn into a different person. The truth is, psychological resilience, or the ability to manage stress and roll with life’s punches, is critical to maintaining health and wellness. 

Stress-related disorders in society today include depression, dementia, anxiety, autism, attention deficit disorder, and memory disorders. Unfortunately, we often turn to drugs to manage our stress like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and even sugar. 



Stress interrupts brain function and inhibits the immune system in addition to destroying your quality of life.



If you suffer from holiday stress and are already stressed out from work or relationships you may have chronic stress. Chronic stress leads to hormone imbalances that disrupt your sleep, mood, libido, and contribute to weight gain, adrenal fatigue, brain fog, and chronic illnesses.

Thankfully, our bodies are equipped to deal with stress. 


What is The Mind-Body Connection 

Your mind has the power to influence your body. Stress is often due to a perceived threat. Events or stressors that make you anxious or upset, such as a death in the family or the loss of a job, release cortisol in your body causing inflammation, increased heart rate, and narrowing of your blood vessels. 

So, you’re telling me that my body is going to release cortisol anytime I’m stressed? Yes and no. 

You see, your mind has the power to determine if something is stressful or not. It all starts with your attitudes and beliefs – and how you manage the people and events that do stress you out. Now that you know you CAN conquer stress, let me share with you my top ten holistic health tips to manage holiday stress! 


Ten Holistic Health Tips To Manage Holiday Stress

Limit Sugar and Alcohol 

What’s Christmas without Christmas cookies? Sugary treats, starchy foods, and alcohol are abundant during the holiday season. While it’s okay to have the occasional drink or sweet treat, we are consuming greater quantities of sugar than our bodies were ever designed to handle. 

Moderation is essential when it comes to consuming sugar and alcohol. Even if your body isn’t sensitive to these foods they can still be toxic. Consuming too much can lead to autoimmune disease, insulin resistance, candida overgrowth, and SIBO. If you want to feel your best this holiday season try going for the mocktails instead of the cocktails. 


Be Mindful 

To avoid feeling overwhelmed this Christmas remember to take a step back. Practice mindfulness to manage your holiday stress. Mindfulness is being fully present by observing thoughts, sensations, and feelings objectively. It’s linked to an increase in positivity, decreased stress, and less emotional reactivity. Those are all things that will get you through the holiday season stress-free. 


As adults, it’s easy to forget the reason for the season and instead get caught up in making it picture-perfect, no matter how crazy it looks in real life. In your quest for the perfect Christmas, you fall prey to holiday stress. But it doesn’t have to be that way!


Set Aside Time For Yourself 

This one is especially important for moms. Set aside time for yourself. A lot of the emphasis of the holidays is on giving to others. It’s easy to forget to give yourself something too. It can be as simple as a coffee break between wrapping presents or a date night with your husband. No matter what it is, don’t forget to take care of yourself in your hurry to take care of everyone else. 


Let Go of Expectations 

You don’t have to be a Martha Stewart level holiday host. In reality, your family doesn’t expect that of you. Most everyone just wants to enjoy themselves and spend time with friends and loved ones. Focus first on what you can control and set reasonable boundaries. 



Meditation is a type of mind-body complementary medicine. It is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction. When you meditate you can focus your mind and clear through the jumbled mess of thoughts that are bouncing around. The sense of calm, peace, and balance that meditation can give you will carry you through the holiday season. 



Regular exercise is associated with stress reduction and better mood.  Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers, and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. Try light exercise to reduce your holiday stress.


Breathing Exercises

Boxed breathing is one of my favorite ways to manage stress. Box breathing involves exhaling to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling and repeating the pattern. It helps calm and regulate the autonomic nervous system. If you’re feeling stressed this holiday season, try breathing exercises! 


Try Adaptogenic Herbs 

Adaptogenic herbs are herbs that help you adapt and balance your stress response. Examples of adaptogenic herbs include ginseng, Rhodiola Rosea, Siberian ginseng, cordyceps, and ashwagandha. Read about my four favorite adaptogenic herbs for stress management here! 




Use Heat Therapy

A hot bath or a sauna can help your body deeply relax and turn on the relaxation response. An infrared sauna is especially beneficial for stress management. The infrared light regulates your cortisol levels and penetrates deep to relax tense muscles. 


Address the Underlying Cause of Stress

While your mind is powerful, sometimes there is a biological cause to your stress. For example, a magnesium or vitamin B12 deficiency or a toxic gut chemical, or a gluten allergy could be changing your brain. That’s why it’s important to work with a holistic health coach if you feel like you can’t get a handle on your stress. Sometimes you need that extra in-depth look to determine the root cause of your dis-ease. As a Certified Holistic Health Coach, that’s exactly what I do.


If you’re interested in working together send me a message via my contact form!


Mandy Patterson

Mandy Patterson

Dr. Mandy


Hi, I’m Mandy, a Functional Naturopath specializing in Fertility & the Founder of a Boutique Fertility Focused Wellness Practice.


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