The Benefits Of Castor Oil Packs

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Dr. Mandy Patterson

Castor oil packs have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. It’s well known for its many healing properties and is actually used as an ingredient in various beauty products. For example, castor oil aids in skin conditions, blood circulation problems, and digestive issues. You may have heard of castor oil because it’s part of your clean beauty routine, but did you know that castor oil is also an expert at detoxification?


Castor oil is made by extracting oil from the seeds of the Ricinus Communis plant, better known as castor beans. The number one way to get healing benefits from castor oil is through a castor oil pack. Let’s get the skinny on the detoxification benefits of castor oil packs. 

What is a Castor Oil Pack?

You’re probably wondering what a castor oil ‘pack’ is, and that’s a great question. Castor oil is a topical treatment not to be consumed orally. A castor oil pack is a piece of cloth, usually organic cotton or wool, soaked in castor oil with straps so that it can be applied as a compress to different parts of your body. 


It can be applied with or without heat, although heat is not necessary. However, you should be cautioned not to heat a castor oil pack in the microwave since it could catch on fire. You should also refrain from using castor oil packs on broken skin or open wounds, as well as if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as its effects aren’t known to babies. 


Castor oil is readily available, and you can even buy it online. Make sure you purchase high-quality castor oil from a reputable company. You can make your own DIY castor oil pack or you can buy pre-made kits off places like Etsy. 

How Does a Castor Oil Pack Work? 

This all sounds great, but how does a castor oil pack actually work and why should you bother with one? The application of a castor oil pack is more beneficial than simply rubbing the oil on your body because it allows for a great amount of castor oil to deeply permeate your skin’s tissues. This soft contact between the pack and your skin creates the neurological shift into the parasympathetic state that releases hormones like oxytocin and dopamine.  


Castor oil is special because unlike other oils it has the ability to penetrate through the upper layer of skin to the dermis where blood vessels and lymph connections live. The pack ensures castor oil has the chance to be absorbed through all four layers of the epidermis. It also preserves your natural bodily heat in the area, which opens the pores and allows the oil to enter the dermis through the roots of hair follicles.

The Benefits of Castor Oil Packs 

Now that you know how a castor oil pack works, why should you use one? There are many reasons to use a castor oil pack, but let’s start with the basics. 


Castor oil works by drawing blood circulation and enhancing biological energy to the area it is applied. Research shows that the usefulness of castor oil could originate from its unique chemical composition. Castor oil is a triglyceride of fatty acids with almost 90% of its fatty acid content consisting of ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid is effective in preventing the growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and molds. 


Ricinoleic acid isn’t the only reason castor oil packs are good for you. Detoxification of the body is where castor oil packs really shine bright. When you use a castor oil pack the flow of lymph is increased throughout the body. This promotes the removal of toxins surrounding cells and reduces swollen lymph nodes. It results in improved organ function, not to mention a general lessening of fatigue and depression.  


Castor oil packs are like coffee to the liver. For example, the increase in the quantity of lymph in the body may result from hepatic stimulation, as the liver produces one-third to one-half of the lymph in the human body. 


But that’s not all, here are several more healing benefits of using castor oil packs: 


Dry Skin Treatment – Castor oil has been shown to be successful at healing ringworm, keratoses, and skin inflammation. Also, the thickness of the oil ensures that a solid coating restores moisture to dry, flaky skin. 


Antimicrobial Properties – Research shows that castor oil has antimicrobial properties. If your skin has a potential bacterial infection, castor oil could be a solution.


Circulation Improvements – Castor oil is believed to help with circulation and is often used to increase blood flow to the liver to support detoxification. 


Immune Support –  Castor oil packs have been shown to increase lymphocyte production and T-cell lymphocyte activity throughout the body. This means that by using castor oil packs you can essentially jumpstart your immune system. 


How to Make and Use a Castor Oil Pack 

Castor oil pack supplies

Castor oil packs are simple to make at home, You just need some castor oil, plastic wrap or cotton flannel, a hot water bottle, an old bath towel, and an old t-shirt.


  1. Castor oil
  2. Plastic wrap or sheet of plastic, wool or cotton flannel (cut large enough to cover the entire treatment area when folded into thirds). 
  3. Hot water bottle
  4. Old bath towel
  5. Old t-shirt


  • Fold your wool or cotton flannel three sheets thick but still large enough to cover your entire abdomen and liver.
  • Soak the flannel in room temperature castor oil until it is saturated. 
  • Lie on your back with your feet elevated. Place the flannel directly to your abdomen and lay a piece of plastic wrap over top. Place the hot water bottle over top of the plastic wrap.
  • Cover everything with an old towel to insulate the heat. 
  • Leave the castor oil pack on for forty-five to sixty minutes. This is a great time to practice relaxation techniques like visualization or meditation. You may also sleep in the packs if it is firmly secured. 
  • Upon completion, remove the pack and rinse your skin with soap and water. You can reuse the pack several times as long as it is saturated with oil. Make sure to be careful of getting the oil anywhere else as it may stain. 


Tip: try to use the pack as regularly as possible. For example, individuals who use the pack for four consecutive days per week for one month will see better results than those who only use it one day each week for a month. 

Work With a Holistic Health Coach 

Not sure if castor oil packs are the right fit for you? Looking to get started detoxing your body but not sure where to start? You’re in the right place! As a Certified Holistic Health Coach I love to help my clients reach optimal healing through focusing on lifestyle change and healthy habits. I’m also a Doctor of Naturopathy giving me expert insight into reaching the root cause of illness rather simply than reacting to symptoms. Get started now by filling out my contact form here!


Mandy Patterson

Dr. Mandy


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