Let’s be real, there has to be a reason when one friend can eat ice cream and pizza and not gain weight but you gain weight from eating a salad. When the restrictive diet that works for everyone else seems to fall flat for you, it’s not you that’s in the wrong. How do you know? Genetic nutrition testing.
Your health is too important for a one-size-fits-all approach. I firmly believe that the future of healthcare is personalization.
We are all unique, yet healthcare often prescribes one-size solutions and protocols that don’t fit everyone. It fails to provide the long-term wellness and lifestyle choices that each individual needs specifically for their overall health.
So, if healthcare isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal, how do you optimize your health and take all the various advice and recommendations out there to fit your specific situation?
Genetic nutrition testing bridges the gap between medical recommendations and your unique health blueprint.
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about genetic nutrition testing and why it might be the missing link for your health journey.
What is Genetic Nutrition Testing?
Nutritional genomics, or genetic nutrition testing, is the study of how nutrients and genes interact. The foods you eat change your gene expression and how your genes work. On the other hand, your genes determine your body’s nutritional needs.
Genetic nutrition testing evaluates these relationships to help you determine which nutrients you need for optimal functioning and why some people are more susceptible to certain diseases than others.
As an example, you might discover that you have a gene that makes you more susceptible to heart disease. Armed with that knowledge, you can then make dietary changes that will reduce your risk of developing that disease.
What is NOT Genetic Nutrition Testing?
It’s just as important to understand what genetic nutrition testing is not. It cannot diagnose you. Yes, it can identify genetic markers, but just because you have certain genetic markers for a disease does not mean you have that disease or will develop that disease.
Instead, genetic nutrition testing helps you understand risk factors for developing certain diseases and chronic health conditions.
Why do Genetic Nutrition Testing?

Genetic nutrition testing bridges the gap between medical recommendations and your unique health blueprint.
Humans all have the same physiology and chemical makeup, so why do some have challenges that others do not? The fact of the matter is that over 40% of the population of the United States has a chronic health condition. If you fall into that number you probably did everything from medication to dietary changes to try and alleviate your symptoms. But, unless you understand the exact needs of your unique body, you may not be giving it the right fuel.
Genetic nutrition testing allows you to understand the genes you’ve been dealt and how they cause your body to react one way or the other. For example, clues in your DNA can help you estimate your body’s tendency toward inflammation, and where there’s chronic inflammation, there is a higher chance of disease.
You can even determine if you have a tendency toward gluten or dairy intolerance!
Genetic nutrition testing is important because If you can understand how your body is put together and support areas of weakness then your body will function better.
Symptoms That Warrant Genetic Nutrition Testing
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Brain Fog
- Irritability
- Stress Intolerance
- Insomnia
- Hormone Imbalances
- Lack of Motivation
- Asthma
- Leaky Gut
- Headaches/Migraines
- High Blood Pressure
- Fatty Liver
- Food & Environmental Allergies
How is Genetic Nutritional Counseling Different from Traditional Nutritional Counseling?
For years, doctors have studied different factors that impact your health. They use inference and lab work to make suggestions for treatment plans and healthier lifestyles. Traditional nutrition counseling prescribes treatments based on the law of averages, rather than on your individual genes and needs.
The truth is, if your condition stems from a genetic variant, some medications and protocols can actually be harmful, not helpful. Genetic nutritional counseling provides clarity into how your body functions. It allows your practitioner to identify the markers and precursors of conditions to offer the best course of treatment.
Common Genetic Variants that Affect Your Health
You’re probably wondering what types of genetic variants might affect your health. Here is a shortlist of the most common genetic variants that can undermine your health.
MTHFR – This gene has common mutations that lead to high levels of homocysteine in the blood and low levels of folate and other vitamins. It is often implicated in pregnancy issues. You can read more about the MTHFR gene variants here!
COMT – This generates enzymes essential to the prefrontal cortex. Variants lead to complications like fibromyalgia, alcoholism, and opiate addiction.
DAO – This gene encodes for diamine oxidase, which is one of the major enzymes and primary defenses to metabolize histamine. When not functioning properly it creates too much histamine in your system. This leads to increased inflammation and allergy-like symptoms.
MAO-A – This gene provides instructions for generating the enzyme monoamine oxidase. Symptoms of MAO-A variations are mood swings and food intolerances.
GST/GPX – This gene catalyzes the elimination of hydrogen peroxide to protect cells against oxidative damage. Gene variants prevent adequate detox and create issues like a poor cellular response to stress and complications with certain medications.
NOS3 – This gene generates nitric oxide. Variations in this gene are associated with conditions like a coronary spasm, ischemic stroke, alopecia, high blood pressure, and preeclampsia.
PEMT – This gene catalyzes phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Variants contribute to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
How Genetic Nutrition Testing Can Help You Reach Your Health Goals
Genetic nutrition testing gives you clarity into who you are, how your body functions, and how to best optimize your overall health. It focuses on the root cause of chronic conditions instead of putting a bandaid on downstream symptoms. If you’ve constantly been wondering, “what diet is best for me?” Genetic nutrition testing will give you the answer. The best healthy diet is one that aligns with your genetics. The same holds true when adding supplements to your diet and when creating an exercise regiment.
Work With a Holistic Health Coach
While you can’t change your gene code you can impact gene expression, and that makes all the difference. I use the at-home DNA analysis and genetic testing kit by 3×4 genetics in my practice. How you interact with the world around you will determine how your genes express themselves. That’s why it’s so important to get genetic nutrition testing and work with a health coach who can evaluate and counsel you on your results.
If you’re interested in getting started, reach out to me! Or sign up for my email newsletter to get regular updates and stay in the know about the latest topics in holistic health.