As a mama-to-be, you are probably worried about a million things at once. Trust me, I’ve been there! When you become pregnant your own health comes crashing into perspective. Or, you may not be a mama yet. Your thoughts are consumed by preconception care and getting pregnant naturally. In both cases, choosing a prenatal vitamin is something you are considering.
You may feel tempted to go to CVS and buy the first prenatal vitamin on the aisle. I would warn you not to be so hasty. Not all prenatal vitamins are made equally.
This article will take the confusion out of choosing a healthy prenatal vitamin and give you the tools to feel empowered and educated as you do your best to support both your body and the baby!
We will cover:
- The Prenatal Vitamins You Need
- Prenatal Vs. Postnatal
- When To Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins
- Prenatal Vitamins Vs Women’s Multivitamins
- What to Avoid In Prenatal Vitamins
- Diet During Pregnancy and Prenatal Vitamins
The Prenatal Vitamins You Need
Pregnancy is a critical time for optimal nutrition for you and your baby. The placenta needs a lot of nutrients to grow, and let’s not forget the growing baby, labor, and breastfeeding. All aspects of pregnancy and being a mother require you to be fully nourished. The problem is that many of us aren’t getting all the vitamins and minerals we need from our food.
Several factors contribute to this. For example, medication like the birth control pill depletes folate which is a key nutrient for preventing birth defects. We are not drinking as mineral-rich water as in the past and there is a depletion of nutrients in the soil much of our food is grown in.
Here is a list of the prenatal vitamins you need:
- Folate – to protect the rapidly dividing cells of the baby and prevention of neural tube defects.
- B12 – low levels are associated with miscarriage and infertility.
- B6 – this supports your luteal phase during the menstrual cycle and prepares your body for conception.
- Vitamin C – this helps your body produce progesterone which is important for maintaining a pregnancy.
- Vitamin E – protects your eggs from free radicals.
- Zinc – is necessary for making an enzyme called superoxide dismutase that keeps your eggs healthy.
- Copper – needs to be in balance with zinc and is important for supporting antioxidant production.
- Magnesium – this supports fertility and helps you avoid those pregnancy calf cramps.
- Selenium – a deficiency has been associated with miscarriage.
- Iron – this is needed for your body to create healthy blood cells and deliver oxygen to the baby.
- Iodine – this is critical for making the thyroid hormones (which are extremely important during pregnancy and for fertility)!
- Calcium – necessary for healthy bones.
- Choline – this helps spinal cord formation.
- Vitamin A – as beta carotene, vitamin A supports immune function, skin health, and eye development.

Pregnancy is a critical time for optimal nutrition for you and your baby. The placenta needs a lot of nutrients to grow, and let’s not forget the growing baby, labor, and breastfeeding. All aspects of pregnancy and being a mother require you to be fully nourished. The problem is that many of us aren’t getting all the vitamins and minerals we need from our food.
Prenatal Vs. Postnatal
If you are new to the world of pregnancy and reproductive health you may not be aware of the difference between prenatal and postnatal. Prenatal vitamins are to be taken before and during pregnancy. Prenatal refers to the time before birth. On the other hand, postnatal refers to the period after you give birth.
Your nutrient needs are high during pregnancy, but they are just as important after birth when you are breastfeeding your baby!
The demands on your body during the postpartum period (after birth) are intense. You are trying to nourish another human being (still!) and deal with a huge depletion of hormones that occured from giving birth. This leads me to our discussion of when to start taking prenatal vitamins.
When To Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins
Imagine going into pregnancy already nutrient-depleted. Not only are you playing catch up the entire pregnancy, but your baby’s health could also be at risk.
There is never a better time than now to start taking prenatal vitamins.
This is especially true if you’ve been on medication like the birth control pill, Metformin, or Statins that deplete your body of important nutrients. A healthy pregnancy requires a few things, it’s kind of a big deal. You need the right nutrients, energy, balanced hormones, and a healthy gut.
Prenatal Vitamins Vs Women’s Multivitamin
Okay, I’m sure you’re wondering why you can’t just keep on taking your favorite women’s multivitamin. Do you even need a prenatal?
While prenatal vitamins are very similar to a women’s multivitamin, there are a few key differences. Vitamins made specifically for conception and pregnancy contain higher levels of folate and iron. Additionally, taking a prenatal vitamin before you conceive allows you to build nutrient stores for a healthy pregnancy.
Don’t forget to continue to eat a whole-foods based, healthy diet leading up to your pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins are meant to be a compliment to your diet!
What to Avoid In Prenatal Vitamins
As I mentioned earlier, not all prenatal vitamins are made equally. There are several dangers to watch out for and avoid when choosing a prenatal vitamin.
- Synthetic isolates – or vitamins made from industrial chemicals and solvents rather than whole foods.
- Poor sourcing – or Ingredients that say “food blend.”
- Poor vitamin dosage – try and avoid anything that says an “herbal blend of x, y, z” and look for actual quantities.
- Lack of third-party testing – ensure the source, purity, and potency label claims have all been verified by an independent lab.
- Additives – Avoid magnesium stearate, sometimes called “vegetable stearate” or derivatives like “steric acid.”
Diet During Pregnancy and Prenatal Vitamins
There is no magic pill that can solve all your problems, as with all things, and prenatal vitamins are the same. You can’t rely on prenatal vitamins to meet all your nutritional needs. A healthy diet is critical to a healthy pregnancy and baby. You may also find that your prenatal vitamin doesn’t contain all the nutrients you need. Here is a list of nutrients you may need another supplement for:
- Magnesium
- Choline
- Iron
- Probiotics
- Vitamin D
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Work With A Holistic Health Coach
Ready to have a healthy pregnancy? If you’re interested in more tips for a healthy pregnancy reach out to me via my contact page. I would love to come alongside you on this new and exciting healthy journey!
If you’re interested in more holistic tips for a healthy pregnancy reach out to me via my contact page!
Mandy Patterson