6 Healthy Back To School Lunch Ideas

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Dr. Mandy Patterson

For the kids, going back to school means waking up early, hanging out with friends, and learning new things. They face the new school year and the challenges it will present with a little trepidation, but kids are usually excited. For mom, it means waiting in the carpool line, busing everyone here and there, and most importantly – coming up with healthy lunch ideas.

Making sure everyone gets fed is one concern at the top of every mom’s mind. I know, I’ve been there. We are sending five kids back to school this year and one to college! 

As the late summer nights give way to early fall mornings the task of packing healthy school lunches can seem daunting. But, it’s quite possibly one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. Packing healthy lunches that will fuel and nourish your child will prepare them mentally, physically, and emotionally for the day. 

In today’s article we will go over: 

  • Common Back To School Mistakes To Avoid 
  • How To Support Your Child’s Focus
  • How to Boost Your Child’s Immune System 
  • Healthy Back To School Lunch Ideas
  • Back To School Lunch Tips 

Be sure to comment below with any additional tips for healthy lunches and sending the kids back to school! 


Common Back To School Mistakes To Avoid 

As you transition from carefree summer days to the rigidity of a classroom there are a few common back-to-school mistakes to avoid. Maintaining a routine that works for you and your little ones will be essential to avoiding these mistakes. Here are the common missteps to avoid for an easier transition: 


  • Not starting a sleep routine. 

There are various studies on the importance of sleep and children’s health. It can take a week or longer to shift your child’s bedtime to ensure they get enough sleep for early school mornings. Make sure you start a sleep routine early to support your child’s optimal health. 

  • Not having a backup plan for when someone gets sick. 

Navigating school day logistics can be tricky, especially when someone gets sick. Don’t wait till the last minute to create a plan for childcare, pick up and drop off, and when to go to the doctor. 

  • Skipping breakfast. 

School mornings are crazy, but skipping breakfast results in poor health outcomes for kids (and parents). Your body and brain need fuel to “break the fast” and concentrate on the tasks at hand. 




How To Support Your Child’s Focus

Speaking of concentrating, there are several ways you can help your child stay focused all day. It’s so important to optimize their ability to focus so they can get the most out of their time with the teacher. Addressing any nutrient deficiencies like magnesium or B vitamins are great ways to do this, in addition to fueling properly. 

The first step to fueling properly starts with a good breakfast. Pack it full of protein, healthy fats, and whole grains. Numerous studies show that kids who eat breakfast consistently perform better in school than children who don’t eat breakfast. In fact, one study shows that eating breakfast has positive effects on academic performance, cognitive function, quality of life, and wellbeing.  

It doesn’t stop at breakfast. To support your child’s ability to focus they need a healthy lunch. The lunch meal contributes more than 20% of the daily intake of most micronutrients for children. Research shows that missing lunch is associated with lower energy, fiber, and sodium intake. 


How to Boost Children’s Immune System 

As a parent, you’ve always cared about your child’s health. This year presents enhanced concern for boosting children’s immune systems. If your child constantly comes home with sniffles or congested sinuses it’s a sign he or she needs extra immune support. 

In addition to getting enough sleep and regular appointments with the doctor, diet and supplements are the best way to boost children’s immune systems. 

Children burn through nutrients faster than adults. A diet full of protein, healthy fat, and lots of colorful fruits and vegetables will ensure your child gets the nutrients they need. You can also incorporate extra immune support through supplements to make sure immune cells have the raw materials they need to identify and destroy harmful microbes. For example, vitamin D is crucial for the production and function of immune cells, and vitamin C fuels important metabolic functions.

The moral of the story, kids need fuel to function.


A diet full of protein, healthy fat, and lots of colorful fruits and vegetables will ensure your child gets the nutrients they need.


Healthy Back To School Lunch Ideas  

It’s easy to throw processed crackers or chewy granola bars into the shopping cart, but it’s not optimal. Coming up with healthy back-to-school lunch ideas can be a challenge. When you are all out of ideas try one of these healthy back to school lunches: 

  1. Mini pita, shredded mozzarella, pepperoni, and tomato sauce—all in separate containers—for assembling a lunchbox pizza. 
  2. Roll a tortilla with their favorite sandwich filling, then slice off just a couple of bite-sized rolls into pinwheels. Pair it with a berry yogurt parfait. 
  3. Tortilla chips with salsa, black beans, and shredded cheese so kids can make nachos
  4. Cubed turkey and cheese kabobs with a side of fruit and veggies. 
  5. Penne pasta with peas and parmesan.
  6. Mini meatballs and spaghetti in a thermos, and sneak some veggies into the meatballs.  


Back To School Lunch Tips 

Alright, you know that to optimize the health of your family you need to fuel them with good food. Here are a few tips that will help you master packing healthy back to school lunches:


  • Pack Lunches In Advance 

It can be a scramble to get the kids up and dressed, fed, and ready for the school day in the morning. Take one less step out of the equation by packing lunches in advance. A great time to pack lunches is right after you clean up from dinner. Get everyone involved and make it a fun family time. 

  • Make It Visually Appealing

Children love color and variety. They are much more likely to eat a healthy food option if it is presented in a visually appealing way. Include different bags and containers in lunch boxes to help your kids improve their motor skills and allow them to make decisions about what food they want to eat first and how much of it. 

  • Batch Cook

Batch cooking is a great way to consistently cook healthy lunches and saves you time! Stock your freezer with things like soups, stews, chili, and meatballs. 

  • Maintain Balance 

Balance is key for everything in life. While it’s important to fuel your children with healthy, nutrient-dense meals, it should also be fun. Include an occasional treat or pizza day to switch things up and teach your children how to enjoy food. 


More Tips From a Holistic Health Coach

I know how challenging it can be to get kids to eat healthy food. As a certified Holistic Health Coach, my goal is to help you reach your vision of optimal health through diet and lifestyle changes. That’s why I’ve created the Sneaky Veg For Kids Challenge to help you nourish your family well. 


You can download it here or reach out to me via my contact page to get one-on-one support!



Mandy Patterson

Mandy Patterson

Dr. Mandy


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