Preparing for conception is a great time to optimize your health. A new season of change on the horizon can bring new lifestyle habits front and center. As a holistic health coach, helping my clients have better fertility and pregnancy outcomes is something I’m passionate about. One avenue to achieving optimal fertility outcomes is through detoxification.
You may think pregnancy is a natural function of our bodies, so why intervene? That’s true! Still, there are things you can do to help with fertility, successful pregnancy outcomes, and the health of your future bundle of joy. One of the most important things you can do is limit your exposure to environmental toxins through detoxification.
In this article, we will talk about detoxification, why you should do a fertility detox, toxin’s effects on our bodies, and tips for going on a fertility detox.
How To Optimize Your Health Before Pregnancy
As many of you know, I’m a mom to six, beautiful children. They are all blessings. That doesn’t mean my pregnancies didn’t come without struggles. Each pregnancy gave me the opportunity to learn about my health. The most important thing I learned: it’s never too early to start optimizing your health and I wish I would have known what I know now back when I was first starting my family. It would have saved me a lot of stress and tears.
I’m passionate about this topic and I’ve written several articles you might find interesting:
Now, let’s talk about toxins.
Detoxification Definition and Impact on Fertility
We live in a toxic world where exposure to chemicals and heavy metals are everywhere. You don’t have to look far. Toxins are in the food we eat, the air we breath, the water we drink, and the products we use.
Detoxification refers to ridding your mind and body of the toxins that keep it from functioning optimally. Our bodies are made to handle a certain level of toxin exposure through our detoxification pathways. The problem is that in our modern world, the body is easily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of chemicals that it encounters on a daily basis. And, genetics can also have an impact on our ability to detox well. Some people simply detox better than others. It is important to have an awareness around detoxification as it can help to optimize fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
Why You Should Do a Fertility Detox

In 2004, a study found 287 chemicals in the umbilical cord blood in babies. Those chemicals included: mercury, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Here are a few scary statistics. In 2004, a study found 287 chemicals in the umbilical cord blood in babies. Those chemicals included: mercury, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). None of those are good for babies. But, it’s not just chemicals that cause harm.
I often say stress is a toxin that can infiltrate every aspect of your life – from your relationships to your job. Another study found that oxidative stress, which arises from an imbalance between reactive oxygen species and protective antioxidants, influences the entire reproductive lifespan of men and women.
Are you considering a fertility detox yet?
Toxins Effects On Babies
More research needs to be conducted on the effects these chemicals listed in the study above have on babies before and after pregnancy. Still, we know a baby is vulnerable to a mother’s toxin exposure due to placental transfer. In 2018, The Endocrine Society found that exposure to BPA during pregnancy, even at very low levels, can lead to altered brain development and behavior of offspring later in life.
Toxins Effects On Fertility and Why Detoxification Is Key
Environmental toxins affect the reproductive systems of both men and women. Fertility does not own a “get out of jail free card” when toxins are involved. Endocrine disruptors are implicated in hormonal and reproductive issues like the following:
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Premature ovarian failure (POF)
- Decreased ovarian reserve
- Uterine fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Disruption of female reproductive tract development
Toxins Effects On Breastmilk
Thinking of breastfeeding? This is another reason to minimize your exposure to toxins and consider some detoxification prior to getting pregnant. Research suggests that the toxic body burden is also found in a mother’s milk during postpartum. Recently, the FDA warned about the presence of mercury in breast milk from mothers with dental amalgams (silver filings).
Should My Partner Do a Fertility Detox?
You may have guessed, but the answer is a resounding YES. Detoxification is for both men and women. The male factor in infertility is a real issue. A third of all cases of infertility are due to a problem in the male partner. Sperm count and quality can be adversely affected by environmental toxins.
Preparing for conception and a new baby should involve both partners. Guys, it’s also a great way to make your lady feel loved and seen.
Tips For Going On A Fertility Detox

Scheduling regular time in nature and disconnecting from phones and screens can be part of a well rounded fertility detoxification plan.
Contrary to popular opinion, going on a detox doesn’t involve eating a restrictive diet, juice-only cleansing, or other types of cleanses that may keep you close to a toilet all day. The human body is equipped to detoxify itself. Your job is to help it do that. Here are several ways you can aid your body’s detoxification.
Think Positive
Learn to quiet your mind and think positively. It is dangerous for our body to be in a constant state of fight-or-flight. Negative thought patterns can lead to stress. Stress releases cortisol and this is when oxidative stress occurs. Try meditation. It leads to relaxation, less anxiety, and a more positive outlook.
Clean Up Your Diet
Your body was designed to digest fresh, whole food. Choose foods that your body knows how to use so the natural detoxification process occurs with ease. Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, healthy fats, and small amounts of organic meat and dairy products.
Move Daily
Exercise goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. It also aids your detoxification pathways. Regular, moderate exercise supports the detoxification of hormones and toxins by increasing circulation, stimulating digestion, increasing our oxygen intake, and reducing stress.
Try Dry Brushing
Your skin is the largest organ, and is primarily concerned with elimination. One-third of the body’s toxins are excreted through the skin. Dry brushing helps to unclog pores and excrete toxins that are trapped in your skin.
Herbs for Daily Detoxification and Fertility
Restoring herbs help support the body’s natural detoxification pathways. Milk thistle has the ability to repair and gently detoxify the liver. Dandelion leaf is known to stimulate digestion and has an affinity for the liver and kidneys. Finally, flaxseed is rich in fiber and supports healthy bowel movements. We don’t have much research on herbs during pregnancy so I recommend that you speak with your health care provider prior to using any herbs during pregnancy.
Use Castor Oil Packs
I wrote about the benefits of Castor Oil Packs in this article, but did you know they are also beneficial for a fertility detox. They improve reproductive health by increasing circulation to the reproductive organs which supports egg, ovarian, fallopian tube and uterine health!
Work With A Holistic Health Coach
Are you ready to work with a holistic health coach to optimize your health? The benefits of detoxification to your fertility are threefold. They affect you, your partner, and your child! As a Naturopathic Doctor I specialize in natural fertility treatments. If you’re ready to find joy in your health contact me here!