Four Myths About Nutrigenomics

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Dr. Mandy Patterson

The search for knowledge about food and how it impacts your overall health has increased in the last few decades. Born out of that quest is the science of nutrigenomics. This emerging science seeks to answer the call for a more personalized approach to medicine. 

I firmly believe the future of healthcare is personalization. Let’s be real, the years of research into nutrition prove that there’s not a one-size-fits-all diet. That’s partly why nutrigenomics is so intriguing. It uses genetic testing to investigate and determine the interplay between genes, nutrition, and health. 

Simply put, nutrigenomics is used to help establish diet protocols for your unique body. Due to the fact that it’s an emerging science, there are still quite a few myths about nutrigenomics circulating the web. 

In this article, I’m going to share a brief history of nutrigenomics, the benefits and risks, and four myths about nutrigenomics. 


What is Nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics is the emerging field of science that utilizes genetic nutrition testing to help identify how nutrients influence your body to express certain genes. It is closely related to epigenetics which studies how lifestyle factors influence gene expression. 

The field includes both the study of how the whole body responds to micro and macronutrients, as well as the relationship between single genes and single gene/food compound interactions. 


I firmly believe the future of healthcare is personalization. Let’s be real, the years of research into nutrition prove that there’s not a one-size-fits-all diet. That’s partly why nutrigenomics is so intriguing. Nutrigenomics is used to help establish diet protocols for your unique body.


The History of Nutrigenomics

Here’s the deal, since ancient times people have known the environment and food can influence an individual’s health condition. At the conclusion of the human genome project which mapped out human DNA scientists started asking questions. They wondered if the interaction between genes and food could positively or negatively influence an individual’s health. 

The discovery of these interactions between genes and nutrients will aid the prescription of customized diets according to each individual’s genotype. The idea is that it will be possible to mitigate the symptoms of existing diseases or prevent future illnesses.



Here’s the deal, since ancient times people have known the environment and food can influence an individual’s health condition. Clues in your DNA can help you estimate your body’s tendency toward inflammation, and where there’s chronic inflammation, there is a higher chance of disease. By looking at your genetic makeup a practitioner will be able to recommend eating patterns that will or will not work well. The idea is that it will be possible to mitigate the symptoms of existing diseases or prevent future illnesses.



The Benefits of Nutrigenomics 

I get it, genetic testing to identify if you should eat an apple or a banana sounds rather extreme. However, as part of an integrative nutrition approach, nutrigenomics can shed light on issues a simple health history can’t. It can help you evaluate the relationships between genes and nutrients to help you determine which nutrients you need for optimal functioning and why some people are more susceptible to certain diseases than others. 

Clues in your DNA can help you estimate your body’s tendency toward inflammation, and where there’s chronic inflammation, there is a higher chance of disease.

You can even determine if you have a tendency toward gluten or dairy intolerance! 

By looking at your genetic makeup a practitioner will be able to recommend eating patterns that will or will not work well. For example, gene variants might mean your body wouldn’t benefit from a vegan diet or wouldn’t adapt well to a keto diet due to genomic tendencies for fat metabolism.

Likewise, a nutrigenomic test can even uncover your personal best sources of both macro and micronutrients.

You can also determine a predisposition to certain diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. They all have been linked to gene expression and all have dietary prevention strategies. 


The Risks of Nutrigenomics 

With any type of new science, there are risks associated. For example, you may have a family history of neurodegenerative disease and learn that you have a predisposition for that disease from a nutrigenomics test. While it’s good to be prepared that may also cause mental distress. 

Similarly, it’s best to be cautious when pursuing direct-to-consumer genetic nutrition testing. While it may seem exciting it’s best to work with a skilled practitioner to interpret your results and explain what it all means. This is especially true when looking at how all of the genes are part of bigger systems in the body and work together for the totality of your health. 

With all this in mind let’s look at a few of the myths about nutrigenomics. 


Myth #1 You Don’t Need a Skilled Practitioner To Interpret Your Results

False! This goes back to what I just mentioned about the risks of nutrigenomics. In order to properly analyze your results, you should work with a skilled practitioner. The reason for this is that they will have a fuller understanding of how certain nutrients may or may not interact with your body based on your results. In addition, they will be able to give you targeted nutrition advice. This way you will be able to truly capitalize on the information you gain about your genetics. 

Knowing is half the battle. The actual implementation of dietary recommendations is much harder. That’s where a skilled practitioner will be able to help you.


Myth #2 Nutrigenomics Will Solve Every Diet Problem You’ve Ever Had 

False! Nutrigenomics is not an end-all-be-all diet. While it sounds like it should be the diet to end all diets, it’s still very much an emerging science. Researchers recognize that only a portion of the population will respond positively to specific nutritional interventions, while others will be unresponsive, and still, others could even be adversely affected.




Myth #3 Nutrigenomics Can Diagnose a Future Health Condition 

False! Nutrigenomics cannot diagnose you. Yes, it can identify genetic markers, but just because you have certain genetic markers for a disease does not mean you have that disease or will develop that disease. 

Instead, nutrigenomics helps you understand risk factors for developing certain diseases and chronic health conditions. 


Myth #4 Nutrigenomics Can Support Areas of Weakness in Your Body 

True! Studies have shown that certain genes and their variants can be regulated or are influenced by nutrients and food compounds from the diet and that these molecular variations may have beneficial effects on the health of an individual. Food is medicine and you can use it to impact your health. Nutrigenomics makes it that much easier. 


Work with a Holistic Health Coach 

While you can’t change your gene code you can impact gene expression, and that makes all the difference. I use the at-home DNA analysis and genetic testing kit by 3×4 genetics in my practice. How you interact with the world around you will determine how your genes express themselves. That’s why it’s so important to understand nutrigenomics and work with a health coach who can evaluate and counsel you on your results.

If you’re interested in getting started, reach out to me! Or sign up for my email newsletter to get regular updates and stay in the know about the latest topics in holistic health.


Mandy Patterson

Mandy Patterson

Dr. Mandy


Hi, I’m Mandy, a Functional Naturopath specializing in Fertility & the Founder of a Boutique Fertility Focused Wellness Practice.


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