How Busy Moms Can Create Balance In Their Lives

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Dr. Mandy Patterson

Life changes when children enter the picture. Every new season brings with it new challenges. As a mom of six I will be the first to tell you that being a mom is one of the most rewarding and difficult jobs you will ever do. Amidst all the crazy of taking care of littles it’s easy to put your own health on the back-burner. 

It can often feel like there’s not enough time in a day to get everything done. From grocery shopping to nap time to after-school activities your life is one constant rush. That’s why in this article I’m going to share how busy moms can create balance in their lives. 

Dear friend, I know you love your children. You would do anything for them. You hold them on the couch and let them cough into your mouth when they’re sick for goodness sake. 

But, I always say you can’t pour from an empty cup. This roller-coaster of a life can severely impact your health. Many busy moms don’t have time to eat healthy or prepare meals, and they don’t get into regular exercise routines. Some moms get so stressed they develop health conditions they would otherwise not have. That’s why having a balanced lifestyle is so important. 

Let me share with you what I’ve learned after having six kids – from one mom to the other. 


Schedule and Organize 

Any success story starts with prioritizing what’s important. When you are juggling multiple tasks and you want them to run smoothly, you have to be well-organized. This is especially true if you are a working mama. 

The best way to stay on top of daily tasks is to create and update a family calendar. You can make a template with the tasks that are consistent and add any new ones as they arise. It helps if you designate certain days to focus on something specific. For example, maybe Tuesdays are when you go grocery shopping each week and Wednesdays are when your kids go to their extracurricular activities.  

When you block out time each day for certain activities your life is more predictable. You can still be flexible but patterns and routines help everyone in the family. Your children will thrive with the security of knowing what each day brings. As a mom, you will be able to pivot when needed but also have a sense of control over each day. 

Don’t just take my word for it! Research shows that daily rhythms and routines support your children’s health. For example, a bedtime routine is associated with increased family functioning and improved sleep habits. Family routines have been linked to the development of social skills and academic success, and adherence to family routines has been identified as important for family resilience during times of crisis. 



You can’t pour from an empty cup. This roller-coaster of a life can severely impact your health. Some moms get so stressed they develop health conditions they would otherwise not have. That’s why having a balanced lifestyle is so important.



Stay Positive 

Staying positive when life gets overwhelming is hard. It’s also critical to your overall mental wellbeing. Remember to take a deep breath and know that you’re not performing brain surgery. Your children will forgive you if you leave the laundry for an extra day or two. 

The best reminder when you feel down and like you’ve got too much to handle is to just do the next thing. Focus on the next task on your plate and don’t look too far ahead. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. If you struggle with staying positive try writing your favorite Bible verse or affirmation on a flashcard and place them around your house or office. 


Staying positive when life gets overwhelming is hard. It’s also critical to your overall mental wellbeing.



As a busy mom it’s easy to eat junk food all day. When life is go go go it’s hard to slow down and cook a homemade meal three times a day seven days a week. If you find yourself eating a diet that is less than healthy, try setting aside time to meal-prep. 

Let’s be real, if we want our kids to eat healthy we have to model it for them. Kids learn by watching, and they see everything you do. Even that secret bowl of ice cream you scarfed down before dinner because you forgot to eat lunch. 

Meal-prep is a great tool and even backed by research! Meal planning was positively associated with frequencies of home food preparation and family meals, as well as the presence of fruits and veggies with dinner. If you want to eat healthier spend a few extra hours a week meal prepping. 


Ask for Help 

Busy moms can create balance in their lives by asking for help. Mama you don’t have to go it alone! God gave us a spouse for a reason (and extended family for those hardworking single moms and military wives). It’s okay to admit you can’t do it all and ask for help. 

In fact, you can encourage your children to help you by teaching them how to clean their rooms, do laundry, and other household chores. Remember that the family is a unit and functions best when you support each other. 

Asking for help as a busy mom is not admitting you’re not good enough. It’s recognizing your capabilities and the need for boundaries and shared responsibilities. 





Here’s an important one ladies: self-care. It’s easy to blow off or pretend that you don’t need it. The truth is, you need to take care of yourself. Like I said earlier, you can’t pour out of an empty cup. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family. 

Here are a few fun self-care ideas for the busy moms out there: 

  • Book a one-hour massage 
  • Get a manicure or pedicure 
  • Go to your favorite coffee shop
  • Read a book during nap time
  • Go for a walk at a park 
  • Jam out to your favorite music 
  • Do a fun outside craft with the kids 
  • Wake up early to journal or meditate 

Another idea is to do one new wellness activity each month. For example, one month you buy that meal plan your favorite instagram foodie account created and then the next month you go to an infrared sauna. 


Lean into your Calling 

Here are a few of my parting thoughts on the topic of creating balance as a busy mom. Life with kids is chaos, not all the time but a lot of the time. Cherish the sweet moments with your children. Lean into your calling as a mother. You are the only mother your children have and that’s special. Whether you think you’re doing a good job or not (and you are) remember that your family needs you and loves you. 


Work With A Holistic Health Coach 

If you’re struggling to manage your health and all the responsibilities that come with being a mom I’ve got just the thing for you. A few one-on-one sessions with a holistic health coach are just what you need. We’ll look at ways to joyful embark on the journey to optimal health – for you and your family! Reach out to me via my contact page to learn more! 


Book a 1:1 schedule with me here



Mandy Patterson

Mandy Patterson

Dr. Mandy


Hi, I’m Mandy, a Functional Naturopath specializing in Fertility & the Founder of a Boutique Fertility Focused Wellness Practice.


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