Today we’re talking about ‘shrooms and specifically Reishi mushrooms. Reishi mushrooms have powerful health benefits and have been reverently referred to as the “mushroom of mortality.” Edible mushrooms come in all shapes and sizes, and if you’ve ever gone hiking in the woods, you’ve probably seen many different mushroom varieties. Foraging for mushrooms can be a very fun hobby, however, I recommend going with an expert if you are just starting out! Mushrooms embody a world of their own and it is important to be a good detective if you want to learn safe hunting.
While it’s not a good idea to eat just any mushroom you find in the wild, some members of the fungi kingdom have incredible health benefits that you may not know about. In this article, we will go over the basic facts about these ‘shrooms and cover five great health benefits of Reishi mushrooms. We will also dive into the risks and side effects, and how you can implement mushrooms into your daily supplement regimen.
What are Reishi Mushrooms?
Reishi mushrooms are known historically as the “mushroom of immortality.” They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years with a long history of promoting health and longevity. This mushroom is typically found in China, Japan, and other Asian countries but is now being cultivated in North America due to rising consumer demand.
For those of us who are nerdy like that, the scientific name for Reishi mushrooms is Ganoderma lucidum. This fungus is large, dark and reddish-brown in appearance with a glossy exterior and woody texture. It grows on deciduous hardwoods and is most commonly found on maple or oak trees.
It is known for its cell regeneration and immune-boosting potential among many other benefits. Most of the believed health benefits are based on anecdotal evidence and traditional use, however, recent scientific research supports some of the mushroom’s ancient claims.
While you may be seeing “Reishi” as an ingredient all over the health food store, you won’t find them hanging around in the produce section. Reishi mushrooms have a very bitter taste and are hard to eat so they are mostly consumed in capsules, powdered or extract forms.

Mushrooms can now be found in teas and elixirs that can be a great alternative to coffee and can help with calming qualities for those that can’t tolerate coffee.
Indeed, Reishi mushrooms have a handful of health benefits that put them in the top tier of medicinal ‘shrooms. In addition to being the “mushroom of immortality” they are adaptogenic stress-relievers and high in antioxidants. It’s no wonder they’re making such a buzz in the wellness world!
What are Adaptogens?
At this point you may be scratching your head at the term “adaptogen.” Why is it so special and what does it mean? Adaptogens are basically herbal pharmaceuticals. They are medicinal herbs that can counteract the effects of stress on the body, and we all know how dangerous chronic stress can be. Adaptogens work at the molecular level to regulate the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands. Research shows that adaptogens have neuroprotective elements, anti-fatigue properties, antidepressive effects, and act as a stimulant for the central nervous system. They can increase mental capacity, enhance attention, and prevent stress and fatigue. Yes, they are just that amazing!
That’s why when we say Reishi mushrooms are an adaptogenic-stress reliever – it’s a big deal.
Five Great Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms
First, let’s talk about how Reishi mushrooms are so beneficial to your health. The secret is found in their various active ingredients. Such ingredients include complex sugars called beta-glucans, polysaccharides, dietary fibers, oligosaccharides, triterpenoids, peptides and proteins, alcohols and phenols, mineral elements (such as zinc, copper, iodine, selenium, and iron), vitamins, and amino acids. These ingredients are the driving force behind Reishi mushrooms health benefits.
1. They can boost the immune system.
Historically, the Reishi mushroom has been used as an immune system enhancer. The beta-glucans in this mushroom are believed to stimulate the immune system to prevent infection. Also, because of the active compounds they contain, they are considered natural antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal substances.
2. They can alleviate fatigue.
Secondly, because Reishi mushrooms are adaptogens, they help the body combat stress. In fact, a compound in the mushroom was found to improve aches, pains, and feelings of irritability in 132 patients suffering from neurasthenia, a condition characterized by physical and mental exhaustion.
3. They may be an ally in the fight against cancer.

Mushrooms can easily be added into the diet through the food itself or consumed in supplement form. They add flavor and nutrition to soups, stews, smoothies, and omelets to name a few. They are packed with powerful antioxidant properties and can help lower inflammation in the body that is responsible for many disease states.
Many studies have been done on the possible effects of Reishi mushrooms on cancer cells. The results are promising. Beta-glucans in the mushrooms may prevent new blood vessel growth which helps prevent a steady blood supply to cancer cells. Also, the triterpenes in Reishi mushrooms inhibit the development and metastasis of tumors. It is believed that these mushrooms could alleviate chemotherapy-induced nausea and improve the efficacy of radiation therapy.
More research needs to be conducted on humans before anything can be said definitively. Make sure you speak to your doctor before adding Reishi mushrooms to your diet if you are undergoing cancer treatment.
4. They can help balance your hormones.
This is another benefit of Reishi mushrooms as adaptogens. While research is mostly limited to animals, some studies show that Reishi mushroom extract could help normalize levels of certain receptor hormones. Additionally, other research shows that it can protect and positively impact the endocrine system. The endocrine system encompasses the glands throughout the body that are involved in hormone production.
5. They have allergy-fighting potential.
Going back to the active ingredients in Reishi mushrooms, triterpenes are a ganoderic acid tied to a reduction in allergies and histamine reactions associated with asthma. The Reishi mushroom is used as a safe, natural remedy for asthma and allergies thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties.
What are the Risks and Side Effects?
Reishi mushrooms have been used for thousands of years in many different types of patients. However, most of the modern research done on this fungus was conducted on animals. That just means that some of the possible side effects on humans have not been studied. For example, if you are pregnant or nursing you should refrain from taking Reishi supplements unless under direction of a health care provider simply because there isn’t much research on its effects on this population.
Moreover, mild digestive upset and skin rashes may occur, especially when you’ve taken too high of a dosage. According to studies, the Reishi mushroom appears to be safe for adults when taken by mouth in appropriate doses for up to one year.
It’s always important when choosing a supplement to look at other ingredients and the amount of Reishi mushroom included. Possible contamination could occur or it could contain a stronger dosage than you’re used to. I recommend that my clients alway buy Reishi supplements from a reputable company that ensures its products meet certain quality standards and have undergone third-party testing. As an informed consumer, this due diligence gives you peace of mind that what you are buying is pure and potent and can be used efficiently by the body.
If you notice any of the following side effects while taking Reishi powder or capsules, notify your primary care provider immediately as it could be a sign of liver toxicity:
- dryness of the mouth
- dry or itchy throat
- itchiness in the nasal area
- strong indigestion, heartburn or stomach upset
- nosebleeds
- bloody stool
- skin rashes
Finally, if you are interested in adding this powerful adaptogenic mushroom to your daily routine and want some tips and tricks, reach out to me! I love helping my clients reach their own vision of optimal health and I fully believe in the power of herbal supplements. Take the confusion out of your supplement regimen by working with a holistic health coach!