Are you the kind of person who has a 30-minute daily cleaning habit or the kind who takes one day every two weeks to deep clean the house? Either method is fine, but the point is that we have to regularly keep our houses clean. The same is true for our bodies. That’s why in this article I’m going to share how to implement daily detox practices.
The choices you make every day have a huge impact on your overall health and long-term wellness. Fancy supplements and pharmaceutical drugs won’t heal the health issues you’re dealing with.
Instead, find the underlaying cause and learn how to support your body naturally. One way to do that is to implement daily detox practices.
While we can all try to limit our exposure to toxins in everyday life, the reality is that unless you live in a bubble, it’s not possible to avoid ALL toxins. That’s why an occasional detox can work wonders for your health and why daily detox practices are even more important.
What is a Detox?
A detox, or a cleanse, is the process of supporting your body’s natural detoxification pathways through lifestyle changes for a designated period of time. Some of those changes can include adding certain juices, herbs, or vegetables and fruits to your diet. The goal of a detox is to remove as many toxins from your body as possible.
The fact of the matter is we are surrounded by toxins. While there are many environmental toxins, most of the toxins we are exposed to come via diet and lifestyle choices. A detox will help fast-track the removal of those toxins and help your body function optimally.
How Does Your Body Naturally Detox?
Your body naturally cleanses itself of toxins every day. However, the toxic load our bodies are under is higher than it’s ever been. Research shows that there is a link between our increased toxin exposure and autoimmune disease.
Your body has four detoxification organs that work to keep the body happy and healthy.
- Kidneys
- Liver
- Skin
- Digestive System
Your lungs and lymphatic system are also detoxification pathways, however, these four organs are the best to target for a cleanse. They are easily supported for an effective detox.
Remember, while we can all try to limit our exposure to toxins in everyday life, the reality is that unless you live in a bubble, it’s not possible to avoid ALL toxins. That’s why an occasional detox can work wonders for your health and why daily detox practices are even more important.
How to Implement Daily Detox Practices
Hydrate First
Water is essential for transporting nutrients and washing out toxins. When you wake up in the morning you’ve gone 7 to 8 hours without consuming any water and your body is dehydrated. One easy daily detox practice is to drink 20oz of water first thing in the morning. Plus, drinking water on an empty stomach has been shown to boost your metabolism and support your immune system.
Eat More Greens
Green foods like spinach and peas are highly alkaline foods. They help neutralize acidic conditions in your body. Greens improve the function of your detox organs, increase circulation, and reduce inflammation in the body. You can easily add kale to your morning smoothie, fry up an omelette with spinach, or add a salad at lunch.

Green veggies help in eliminating the toxins out of your body, wiping out all unnecessary elements and cleansing your body from inside out.
Have a Daily Bowel Movement
Make sure you take the trash out daily, a.k.a. have a daily bowel movement. It literally moves the toxins out of your body. Eating plenty of whole foods with fiber will help ensure your digestive tract stays regular. You can also consume a few tablespoons of fresh ground flax or chia seeds daily to help bind toxins and move them out of your body.
One of the body’s natural detoxification pathways is through the skin via sweat. More than that, exercise is also known to increase energy and endorphins, improve cognitive function, support bone health, and decrease your risk for chronic disease.
Practice Eating Hygiene
Proper eating hygiene will ensure that you better digest your food, follow your natural hunger cues, reduce cravings and embrace your relationships with friends and family at the table. Eating hygiene is the act of slowing down at the dinner table. Take a few deep breaths before you eat, chew slowly, and refrain from gulping down your food or drink.
Take a Detox Bath
A daily detox bath is a great way to relax and wind down at the end of the day. Detox baths naturally pull toxins from your body and help improve your immune system. Add epsom salt or magnesium bath flakes, baking soda, and your favorite essential oil to a hot bath and relax for twenty minutes.
Reduce Environmental Toxins
You can’t remove all the environmental toxins you encounter, but you can seriously reduce those that are in your home. You can start by switching out the products in your home that are filled with artificial fragrances and chemicals. Change out the conventional dish soap, laundry detergent, and personal products for natural alternatives and cleaner options.
Mindset Management
Stress is one of the biggest toxins in your life. You can work to manage your stress by practicing mindset management. Get rid of the toxic attitudes, thoughts, and feelings through activities like journaling or meditation. Spend a few minutes each day to “check in” with yourself. Remember, your mind is a powerful tool.
Work With a Holistic Health Coach
Implementing daily detox practices or any type of lifestyle change can be intimidating at first. That’s why as a Certified Holistic Health Coach I work with my clients one-on-one to help them on their journey to wellbeing. We work on joyfully pursuing optimal health in a stress-less process. If you’re ready to change your health for good, get started by filling out my contact form. I’d love to hear from you!
Get started on your health journey now!
Mandy Patterson